2010 was a tough year for the Topping family as then 3 year old Liam Topping was diagnosed with Autism. But it did not take long for the Topping Brothers (Liam, Miles, and Harry III aka Trey) to circle their wagons and get into action fighting this increasingly prevalent condition which impacts 1 of every 88 children making it an epidemic.
The Topping Brothers are a close knit band, literally a “Band of Brothers” in action working to support Autism Speaks, the leading 501c3 non-profit advocating for research and treatment for those afflicted with Autism. While supporting Autism speaks is their main goal at this point, our little band of brothers is not only supporting Autism Speaks, but is planning a foundation with longer term battle plans such as providing scholarships for families that cannot afford the therapies that are available. Research into the causes of autism is vital, but we also need to provide the maximum help we can to those battling the condition now. Topping Brothers holds the Annual Topping Brothers Invitational benefiting Autism Speaks. Our previous events have been a great success having raised over $500,000 for Autism Speaks.
Our next tournament will be held on November 20, 2023. Hosted by Autism Speaks, Trey, Liam and Miles Topping, with a little help from their parents, Susan and Harry. There will be rousing a good round of golf, including breakfast and prizes. It is a great opportunity for Sponsors and Participants to play golf at TPC Valencia, while also supporting a very worthwhile cause. Please note our new domain name AutismSpeaksSCV.com you’ll still be able to access our website through ToppingBrothers.com or ToppingBrothers.org
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