On November 14, 2017 increase awareness about Autism – Topping Brothers Golf Invitational at TPC

 Thanks to our Sponsors thus far. 1 month to go, Please Donate or Sponsor

6TH Annual Topping Brothers Golf Invitational, November 14, 2017 included will be a rousing good round of golf out in our own Valencia golf course.

Don’t miss out on the breakfast and prizes!

Check Out Our Other Video

It is a great opportunity for Sponsors and Participants to play golf at TPC Valencia, while also supporting a very worthwhile cause.

Meet the Toppings at the October 10th HotSpot SCV Mixer at Salt Creek Grille

Want to help? Donate here, Register to Play Here: www.autismspeaksscv.com 

Increase Awareness about Autism – Topping Brothers Golf Invitational – November 4, 2017