The Topping Brothers 10th Annual Invitational Golf Tournament is still tentatively scheduled to take place on November 11, 2020. Along with The Oaks Club, we are being diligent in making sure everything will be safe for all. We’ll announce confirmation soon.

If you’d like donate raffle items or be one of our sponsors, Check Out our Website, 


Visit to donate now. Local to International, Become a 2020 Sponsor.

Want to help? If you can’t join us at The Oaks Club in November, you Donate here anytime, Large or Small, it all Helps:

Please engage to find genetic resolve!

Please Give Local and Make a donation – Big or Small it all helps!

10TH Annual Topping Brothers Golf Tournament  at The Oaks Club Valencia. We are Raising Awareness and Funds for Autism Speaks.

Let’s Make a difference!

Finding a cure is imperative. Visit to donate now. Local to International!

Stay tuned for information on our upcoming Topping Brothers Golf Tournament fundraiser event happening soon!

The Topping Family work year round to help the cause!

Want to help? If you can’t join us at The Oaks Club in November, you Donate here anytime, Large or Small, it all Helps: