Hi to all of our amazing Autism Speaks/Team Topping supporters;

Team Topping hopes you are all staying safe in these very challenging times.

While we would normally be getting ready to walk the Rose Bowl in great big crowds in support of Autism Speaks, our amazing team at AS has come up with a socially distanced way of showing support. They’ve changed the “walk” to a “Walk on Wheels,” an innovative drive through event on Saturday, August 22nd at the iconic Rose Bowl.

The Topping Brothers and our family will be there to drive the event @ 9:30 AM, and we want to extend an invitation to those of you who joined us at the Topping Brothers Invitational last year.

Below are the details;


We know if you are receiving this that you’ve donated in the past, which we are so grateful for, but if you want kick in a modest add on, AS/Team Topping will be so appreciative. 

To donate, click the link below… it will take you to our donation page.  Feel free to share this link with others who might like to donate.



If you’d like to drive the event, below is all the needed info for you:

Date: Saturday, August 22, 2020

Location: Rose Bowl 1001 Rose Bowl Dr., Lot H, Pasadena, CA 91103

Schedule 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

You may pick any drive through time in the above window when you register – the drive through should take between 20-40 minutes approximately.

RSVP is Required for Parade Participants & Assigned Arrival Times.

To RSVP and choose your arrival time, you may click on the below link, and remember to list “Team Topping” as your team name.


Then, Log in to the Participant Center to sign the release, print out your car pass (which you will place on your dashboard), by clicking on this link:


I hope this is not too complicated and that you’ll consider coming out for a “windshield drive by at the Rose Bowl”.  Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Thanks again for your amazing support… btw Team Topping is in 2nd place overall, having raised a record for us of $102,500 for the charity this year!!! 

And stay tuned for more info on the Topping Brothers Invitational Golf event, 2020.  Whether we hold a virtual event this year, or hold off till we can all gather safely in person, we’ll be sure to let you know as soon as those plans are in place.



Stay safe!

Best wishes,