9TH Annual Topping Brothers Golf Invitational, hosted by Trey, Liam and Miles, with a little help from their parents, Susan, Harry and Nana! There will be a rousing good round of golf, including continental breakfast, lunch, dinner and prizes. Nov 18, 2019 Register Early

In 2010 3-year-old Liam Topping was diagnosed with autism. The Topping’s didn’t take long for the family to circle their wagons and get into action fighting this increasingly prevalent condition which impacts 1 of every 88 children making it an epidemic. Be part of the effort to help those in need!

Now 12, the toppings continue to their pursuit in bringing awareness to folks in Santa Clarita and surrounding communities.



They are most grateful to the Sponsors and Players of each Topping Brothers Annual Golf Invitational.


The Topping Family work year round to help the cause! We are Raising Awareness and Funds for Autism Speaks. Finding a cure is imperative. Please sign up to Play For Liam and others with Autism. If you are into Golf, please make a Visit to: AutismSpeaksSCV.com and give a little now.

Please Give Local and Make a donation – Big or Small it all helps!


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