Be a Sponsor for 8TH Annual Topping Brothers Golf Tournament at The Oaks Club at Valencia formerly TPC Valencia!
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Join us for a great day of golf and support on November 12, 2018 *Veterans Day.
The 2017 Topping Brothers Golf Tournament held in November was a huge success. We raised of $80K and this will help in the fight against Autism and help to continue to raise awareness. Harry Topping and The Topping Brothers Rock…
Don’t miss out on 2018. Keep your eyes on the Topping Brothers!
It is a great opportunity for Sponsors and Participants to play golf
at The Oaks Club at Valencia formerly TPC Valencia, while also supporting a very worthwhile cause.
Want to help? Donate here, Register to Play Here:
Increase Awareness about Autism – Topping Brothers Golf Invitational